Important Forms:
This page provides you with important forms and procedures and bylaws documents for your easy reference.
We encourage you to download and read through our Bylaws by clicking the download link below.
This document provides general guidance on areas such as communication, volunteers, and expense vouchers that apply to all events to help us run our events consistently and in accordance with our bylaws.
A big thank you to all our volunteers! The following are important finance forms and procedures for those of you that have volunteered and transacted money. All forms should be completed and sent to our treasurer at or can put in an envelope labeled PTA Treasurer and placed in the PTA Mailbox located in the Meadow Drive School office.
- Did you pay for a PTA activity out of your own pocket or need a check the day of an event? Please fill out this form and submit…. Expense Form
- Are you running an event and you will need petty cash to make change? Fill in and submit this form no later than 1 week prior to your event… Start Up Money
Did you collect money at an event and need to turn it in to our treasurer? Fill in this form and submit… and please don’t forget to double count…. Cash Verification Form
- The following are procedures relating to insufficient funds… NSF Policy
The following is a summary of the Class Parents’ roles and responsibilities.